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I've written a lot fiction and nonfiction over the year. These are my two books. I hope to have another novel done by the end of summer, and I'll be finishing a new book on writing next spring. 


I've had great responses to my work. The Tao of Writing has sold nearly 13000 copies, and readers/writers have been generous with their reviews.

Kesh is a special story that links me to my childhood in Nothern Michigan where the Great Lakes myths lived in my imagination and dreams. There were problems with its first release, but Wild Child Publishing and I worked them, and I'm proud of the result.  It's available only in digital form so far, but look for in paperback in the near future.




Kesh was a scrawny kid, too small to play football, too short for basketball, and not great at sports in general. The other old boys would goad him, "Go home. Does your mother know you're not in your crib?" Once, he found a baby bottle and a rattle in his locker. Another time someone had left a dirty diaper in his backpack. 

Worst of all, girls talked about him like he was a puppy. They would say, "Oh, he's just so cute." He was tired of being small, and cute, and left out, but Kesh's size was not the only thing different about him. He was smart, and he saw and heard things others couldn't, and he was about to be thrust into a world of myth and danger. 

The old Ojibwe prophecy had foretold, "The air and waters will run with poison." Twelve-year-old Kesh Jones would soon learn that it was more than a story. The Garou Chemical plant outside town held deep, disturbing secrets, and its owner, Louis Garou, would stop at nothing to destroy anything that got in his way. Kesh and his friends soon found themselves fighting for their lives and their world. 

To save their city and the world, Kesh must discover the coyote spirit inside, and, with his friends Jesse and Kiran beside him, find the courage to lead a strange army into battle against the power of evil.

The Tao of Writing



The creative process doesn't have to be torturous--with The Tao of Writing, it can be glorious! Invoking the principles of the Tao allows you to do your best work ever. By tapping into the true flow of your creativity, you can discover and develop your true talents and abilities. Author Ralph Wahlstrom uses the connection between teaching, writing, and the tenets of the Tao to help you learn to write from a new perspective, enhancing your work and your creative journey. With The Tao of Writing as your guide, you can overcome "writer's rigor mortis," and become a better, happier, more productive writer.

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